Tomorrow, the 2022 FIFA World Cup comes to a beautiful end.
I wish the better side on the night to win.
Whilst we are waiting for that, I go back in time in order to catch up with the future (2034).
It is the year 2002.
I am with Stephen Akiga, the honourable minister of Sports of Nigeria.
We are at the headquarters of FIFA in Zurich, in the office of the President, Sepp Blatter, one of the most powerful men in the world.
There are two others present – Walter Gagg, the head of the Technical Department of FIFA, and Gboyega Okegbenro, the Senior Special Assistant to the Nigerian Minister.
Blatter welcomes us warmly and asks why we arranged to meet with him.
Akiga nods to me to speak on behalf of the Nigerian President who sent us to meet Blatter with a special message.
Mr. Blatter is all ears.
I tell him.
Nigeria is thinking of reviving and fulfilling the dreams of the founding political fathers of all African countries at Independence in the 1950s and 1960s, a united, peaceful and prosperous continent