Music : Emey Cimthog - Kingdom Come (Album)


Emey CIMTHOG, born Emmanuel Mukollo Ezra Yumgom (Emey) hails from Kalisen village of Shongom LGA, Gombe State, Nigeria. He has been a lover of music since childhood in the Sunday School Choir and later the Revival singers band at Ecwa Goodnews church Bauchi; through Secondary School (Mass Choir & De Accapells) and through higher institutions. Presently being predominantly based in Gombe, He joined the Ecwa Gospel Band family Gombe.

Emey's Life and growth has/is been influenced by among many others: His mum; The Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), his mother church Ecwa, The FCS, The Peace House Revival Labours, The God Life Assembly and The City of Praise Discipleship Centre.

The Kingdom Come Project is one focusing on the Prayer Jesus taught his disciples. In it we see a taking back of man to the very heart of God as it comes to the creation of MAN; which is DOMINION.

The first Adam (Man), created to be a Coregent here on earth by disobedience lost it by losing the Life and image of God by which he was to dominate. 

But For God so loved the world, He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus; the last Adam, who by obedience even to death on the cross, redeemed man and creation. That we may believe in Him and have eternal LIFE, the life by which we will have dominion and redeem the earth. For the earnest expectation of Creation awaits the manifestation of the sons of God. So the cry to grow daily, not I living but by the faith of the son of God Christ In Me The Hope Of Glory... CIMTHOG...

Welcome to the Kingdom Come.

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