MUSIC : Listen to UK-Craigie’s New Album ‘Ghosts In Time’ The Zed Edition

Oldham Hip-Hop artist UK-Craigie‘s NEW album Ghosts in Time is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, deeply moving and personal, the album covers topics such as loss, mental health, grief, anxiety and the Covid pandemic over beautiful acoustic and electric guitar.

Ghosts in Time follows the success of his two previous albums, ‘Sombre’ and ‘I Can’t Sleep’ and has already received major acclaim in the UK is covered by local and national publications as well as press and coverage worldwide mainly in the United States and Australia.

Alone (Zed Remix) Features two popular artists from Zambia, Thomson Nasser and Ku Guy alongside UK-Craigie as the trio of talented artists lament on difficulties in life over a beautiful acoustic guitar

Grief and Regret mixed with childhood nostalgia set the tone on standout track ‘Stale Cigarette Smoke’ The song retells the story of the relationship between UK-Craigie and his Grandmother as it started to break down in his teenage years, Ultimately falling apart before they had a chance to repair the damage to their once inseparable relationship.

Not being afraid to stand out and embracing your individuality are the subject at hand on ‘The Five Rules’ A real underdogs anthem about staying true to who you are no matter what life throws at you, The song has been very popular in the UK.

‘What Matters is Your Heart (Kev)’ Is an incredibly sad and moving tribute to a close friend of UK-Craigie called Kevin, he lost his life to cancer in November of 2020 and asked UK-Craigie to write the song so people would remember him and his legacy. The song was played at his funeral and is a deeply moving piece for anyone who is dealing with the death of a loved one.

Creatively Ghosts in Time is UK-Craigie’s best work, full of depth and lyrics that can touch and move his audience over beautiful instrumentals.

Kindly stream and enjoy the full album below and support him by sharing it with everyone around.

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