#Plateaudecides: Why Labour party candidates remain the best for Plateau state Governorship elections


*ANNOUNCEMENT!!* *Great Plateau!* 

 I present to you Dr. Patrick Dakum labour party candidate for plateau state, who is a Medical Doctor, Associate Prof., CEO of Institute of Human Virology

He’s also a lecturer in the University of Maryland 

His running mate; EDWARD GYANG PWAJOK, is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, ran for Chairman of his Local Government at 25 and was Attorney General of Plateau State under 2 Governors 

He also served as member HOR and sponsored over 50 bills (third highest) at the time 

Above all, he was at the fore front of the Not Too Young to run bill

This combo is one of the best. 

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Bsc, political science FUK, Gombe state

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