Mün birthday name is Didam Jonah Duniya. He's a recording and performing artiste from Kaduna State also known as KrockCity or City of the Crocodiles which is said to be the Capital of Hip Hop in Nigeria.
The eMCee called Mün started recording in 2013. For his new rap song titled GAFARA, he teamed up with Spokesman - an eMCee and Lyricist - who is considered to be the Face of the Franchise for Christain Hip Hop (CHH) in Northern Nigeria. Across the Northern States and major cities in Nigeria, Spokesman is a household name in CHH.
GAFARA is a word in Hausa Language meaning 'Give Way' or 'Make Way'. It's an aggressive way of telling someone to move.
Produced by Steven Rawd and Mixed & Mastered SizzlePRO, GAFARA is a four minutes rap song filled with resonant themes and pictures of pilgrims on a journey. It chronicles Mün's progress towards better days, confession of faith and Spokesman's holy braggadocios attitude and adoration of the Supreme Being.
There's a high display of lyricism by both eMCees. They brought rhythm and gave poetry to Steven Rawd's beat. They delivered their content in English Language intertwined with Pidgin English and Hausa Language. Like a river, they flow seamless with panache.
The energy was positive, the vibes was good and the chemistry was natural between Mün and Spokesman. Using their unique styles of artistry, each eMCee painted different beauties on both sides of the same canvas.
GAFARA is bigger than a rap song. It's a Creed that needs to be engraved in the hearts of every young believer. It's necessary for young people to be responsible for their lives and ask every obstacle to give way.
Mün released his debut EP, 'Heaven' in 2016. And he has another EP in the bag coming soon. When asked the title, he said, 'MPM'. So, dot your 'i' and cross 't' while you make way for the eMCee called Mün.
Review by Paul McPetros, a Music Business 'wannabe' Executive.