Coal City University (CCU) 2023 Essay Contest

Coal City University (CCU) 2023 Essay Contest

Coal City University's annual essay contest focuses on drug abuse in Nigeria. Encouraging students to explore the issue, the contest seeks to inspire change and promote awareness. Students' essays will tackle the causes, effects, and potential solutions. The top entries will be rewarded with cash prizes and potential scholarship opportunities.

Coal City University organizes its annual essay contest with the primary aim of fostering students’ creativity, confidence, and writing skills. Besides building these skills, the contest increases awareness of pressing global issues amongst the youth and encourages initiative and creative thinking toward sustainable development. This year, the focus is on a pressing national problem: “Drug Abuse in Nigeria.”

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The Thematic Focus: Drug Abuse in Nigeria

Drug abuse is an escalating problem among Nigerian youths, posing a substantial threat to the nation’s socio-economic and political stability. The triggers are multifaceted – poverty, lack of basic amenities, and peer pressure being significant contributors. The proliferation of drugs in Nigeria has further worsened the issue, with the government’s efforts against drug trafficking and abuse falling short of effectual. This contest aims to address these issues head-on, encouraging students to explore and propose comprehensive solutions.
The Essay Contest Details

Participants in the contest are asked to construct an essay on “Drug Abuse in Nigeria: Exploring the Causes, Effects, and Solutions”. Students will probe the factors that drive drug abuse in Nigeria and the devastating effects it bears on individuals and their communities. The ultimate aim is to propose potential solutions to this societal problem, such as improving access to treatment and education.
Submission Guidelines and Deadline

The contest is open to students in Senior Secondary Schools (SS1-SS3) with a submission deadline of June 30, 2023. Submissions are to be made online via the University’s website, Essays must be original, not exceeding 1000 words, and only one entry per person will be accepted.

Shortlisting for qualified candidates will be on July 20, 2023. The award ceremony will be on July 29, 2023.

First, second, and third prize winners will receive a cash prize and a Certificate of Achievement. Additionally, the first prize winner has an option for a Full tuition fee scholarship in Coal City University. All shortlisted students will also receive consolation prizes and a Certificate of Participation.
Judging Criteria and Selection Procedure

Submissions will be judged on their relevance to the topic, clarity of thought and expression, originality and creativity, research depth and evidence, and overall writing quality. Shortlisted finalists will be invited to present their essays orally. The final ranking will be determined by combining scores from the essay and the oral presentation.

Interested students should register for the contest by filling out a registration form available on the school’s website.


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