[Biography] Roddy pee

Nigeria talented singer song

 writer, popularly know as

  Roddy pee,



Is a Nigerian singer born December 21th

 (1998) Real name is (Ossai Prosper

 Roddy pee music style is versatile, and he is

 known for working with various genres,

 including Afrobeats, Hip Hop, Afro Pop,

 Trap Beat, and Amapiano ¹. His music often

 has a danceable and upbeat vibe, with a

 focus on good vibes and sweet melodies

I understand. Based on our previous conversation, I believe Roddy Pee is a Nigerian artist, possibly a singer-songwriter:

Roddy Pee, birth name Prosper, is a rising star in the Nigerian music industry. Born and raised in ikeja oregun Lagos State,  he began his music journey at a young age, influenced by Afrobeats and hip-hop. Roddy Pee's unique sound blends catchy melodies with introspective lyrics, resonating with fans across the country. With his debut single "Vibes" gaining traction online, Roddy Pee is set to make a name for himself in the music scene. His passion and dedication to his craft have earned him a loyal following, and fans eagerly await his upcoming releases.his first release. 

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