ABU Notice of Change of Course 2024/2025
Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) has provided an update on the 2024/2025 admission process and change of programme. Candidates who have not secured admission should visit a JAMB CBT Centre to select available courses. Read on for details on subject requirements and programme options.

Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) has released an important update for candidates who have not yet secured admission for their first-choice programmes.
List of Available Programmes and UTME Subject Combinations
Science-Based ProgrammesFisheries & Aquaculture, Forestry & Wildlife ManagementChemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, and one other science subject
Botany, ZoologyBiology, Chemistry, and Physics
MathematicsMathematics and any two of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, or Geography
GeographyGeography, Biology, and one other from Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Agricultural Science, or Economics
ChemistryChemistry, Physics, and either Biology, Mathematics, or Further Mathematics
PhysicsPhysics, Mathematics, and Chemistry or Biology
Physics EducationPhysics and two other science subjects
Chemistry EducationChemistry and two other science subjects
Archeology, Archeology/HistoryGeography, Geology, General Science, Physics, Chemistry, History, Government, or Economics
Agricultural Science EducationChemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, and one other science subject
Biology EducationBiology and two other science subjects
Geography EducationGeography and two other science subjects
Mathematics EducationMathematics and two other science subjects
Integrated ScienceBiology, Chemistry, and Physics
Home EconomicsFood and Nutrition, Home Management, Textile and Clothing, Biology, and two other science subjects
Human KineticsBiology and two other science subjects
Engineering ProgrammesAgricultural & Bio-Resources Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Mining & Minerals Engineering, Water Resources & Environmental Engineering
Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics
Glass and Silicate TechnologyChemistry, Physics, and Biology
Urban and Regional PlanningMathematics, Geography, and other subjects
Environmental StandardMathematics and any two of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, Economics, or Agricultural Science
Arts and Social Science-Based ProgrammesSociologyGovernment/History/Civic Education, Economics/Geography, and one other Arts or Social Science subject
EconomicsEconomics, Mathematics, and one other Arts, Social Science, or Management subject
HistoryHistory/Government/Civic Education and two other Arts or Social Science subjects
Arabic, Hausa, FrenchRespective language and two other Arts or Social Science subjects
Theatre and Performing ArtsLiterature in English and two other Arts or Social Science subjects
Adult EducationAny three Arts or Social Science subjects
Business EducationMathematics and two Business/Commercial subjects
B.Ed. Islamic Studies, B.Ed. CRSIslamic Studies/CRS and two other Arts or Social Science subjects
Library and Information ScienceAny three subjects
Hausa Education, Arabic EducationHausa/Arabic and two other Arts or Social Science subjects
Social Science EducationAny three Arts or Social Science subjects
Guidance and CounsellingAny three subjects
Language ArtsOne Arts subject and two other Arts or Social Science subjects
Local Government AdministrationGovernment/History, Economics, and any other subject
Actuarial ScienceMathematics and two Management or Social Science subjects
MarketingMathematics, Marketing/Commerce, Economics, and one other relevant subject
ProcurementMathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Data Processing, Computer Studies, Geography, Agricultural Science, Technical Drawing, Building Construction, Economics, Marketing, Commerce, Financial Accounting, Business Studies, and Government/History
Important Notice
The matriculation ceremony will take place soon, marking the end of the admission process.